1.1.1.ERP Systems 1.1.2 CRM Systems, Digital Marketing and Sales 1.1.3 Human Resources Management 1.1.4 Document and Workflow Management 1.1.5 Production & Operations Management (POM) 1.1.6 Digital transactions (B2B, B2C) 1.1.7 Procurement Management 1.1.8 Other* 1.2.1 Banks / Insurance Companies / Fintech 1.2.2 Retail trade 1.2.3 Manufacturing / Industry / Logistics 1.2.4 Tourism / Culture 1.2.5 Health 1.2.6 Gaming 1.2.7 Telecommunications 1.2.8 Energy 1.2.9 Other sector* 1.3.1 Artificial Intelligence 1.3.2 Big Data 1.3.3 Mobile 1.3.4 Cloud Computing / Services 1.3.5 Other* 2.1 Digital Transformation of Business Processes 2.2 Digital Customer Experience Transformation 2.3 Digital Business Model Transformation 2.4 New Innovative Digital Service 2.5 Upgrading Digital Skills of Employees 2.6 Other* 3.1 Central Public Administration 3.2 Public sector organisations 3.3 Municipalities / Regions / Smart Cities 3.4 Digital Services and Transactions with the Public Sector 3.5 Other* 4.1.1 Specialised applications in business sectors 4.1.2 solutions for professionals / SMEs 4.1.3 ERP/CRM/HR/Production/Logistics Software Packages 4.1.4 Applications for/through Big Data/Artificial Intelligence / IoT 4.1.5 Other*
4.2.1 Technology & Software Supplier 4.2.2 SaaS/PaaS/IaaS Service Provider 4.2.3 Technical Support / Training / Certification 4.2.4 Cyber Security Services & Technologies 4.2.5 Other*
The top prizes, the highest distinctions of the event, are awarded to the companies that stand out by collecting a multitude of awards. To be considered for a Top Award, a company must earn a minimum of 15 points and receive 1 Gold or 1 Platinum award.
This prize is awarded to the technology end-user companies (regardless of industry) that accumulate the most points, as determined by the total number of points earned. This prize is awarded to the IT companies that accumulate the most points, as determined by the total number of points earned.
Prizes receive the following points: ** Note: The Organizer, with the agreement of the Jury Chairman, reserves the right not to award any or all of the top prizes.
Awards to Businesses for Optimal Use / Utilization of ICTs
In this section, joint entries consisting of suppliers - customers are also awarded.Functional & Business Applications
Specialised Industry Applications
New Technological Trends in Applications & Services
Digital Transformation
EGovernment projects
Excellence of ICT Companies
Solution/Software Package Providers
ICT Infrastructure/Service Providers
A company submitting a nomination under theOthersection shall not submit the same nomination in existing categories.GRAND AWARDS
The top prizes, the highest distinctions of the event, are awarded to the companies that stand out by collecting a multitude of awards. To be considered for a Top Award, a company must earn a minimum of 15 points and receive 1 Gold or 1 Platinum award.
• Digitalized Company of the Year •
• ICT Company of the Year •
• Platinum Award (Platinum): 10 points
• Gold Award (Gold): 7 points
• Silver Award (Silver): 3 points
• Bronze Award (Bronze): 1 pointCONTACT US