1. Projects, initiatives or actions that have been implemented/completed between 1.1.2022 and April 2024 are eligible for the Cyprus Technology Awards 2024. Participation is open to private and public sector companies/organisations - end-users of technologies, IT and communications companies, software companies, etc.
  2. Interested candidates may apply in as many categories as they wish, in accordance with the specific terms and conditions of participation in each category. A nomination to be submitted in more than one Award Category should include the description and supporting material appropriate to each Award Category. Each nomination should be answered in a specific structure and with clarity according to the content and requirements of the category to which it is submitted.
  3. Participants in the prizes are solely responsible for the nominations they submit and for the truth, completeness and accuracy of the information contained therein.
  4. Participants and nominations submitted are not publicly announced. With the exception of the organisers, the participants and the nominations submitted are disclosed only to the members of the Jury for the purposes of evaluation. After the awards ceremony, only the winning projects will be announced.
  5. The evaluation of the nominations by the Jury is based on the information submitted by the participants in the online application. BOUSSIAS Cyprus, as the Organising Company, and the Jury shall not be held responsible in case of false or inaccurate statements or omission of material facts in a nomination.
  6. The Organizer reserves the right, after the submission of nominations, to merge or cancel categories, as well as to transfer nominations to a different category.
  7. The Organising Company reserves the right to use elements of the text of the nomination, which have not been declared confidential, trademarks and distinctive features of participants in the context of promoting the prizes and the works awarded in them.
  8. After the evaluation of the Jury, the Organising Company will inform the participants of the result of the evaluation of the entries they have submitted. In their entirety, the prizes will be announced at the Awards Ceremony, the manner in which it will be held will be adapted to the health conditions prevailing in the country at the time.
  9. The Organizer reserves the right to unilaterally modify the terms of the competition or to postpone or cancel the competition, at any stage, if there is a serious reason. In any case, the Organizing Company will inform the participants via email. The participants in the prizes may not make any claim against the Promoter arising from the above actions, as well as from their participation in the prizes in general.
  10. By submitting their candidature, the participants fully and unconditionally accept the terms of participation and evaluation, as well as the decisions of the Jury, which are not contested. The participants waive any claim to any such rights.


  1. The evaluation will be carried out by a prestigious jury, consisting of representatives of industry stakeholders, experienced and renowned market executives, academics and experts. Its composition will be announced shortly.
  2. The Organising Company shall separate the judges into groups, ensuring that there is no conflict of interest and that the judges have a reasonable volume of nominations each to carry out in-depth study and evaluation. No judge is informed about which other judges belong to the same evaluation team. Voting is secret and strictly personal, so that the Jury member is not influenced by the scores or opinions of others.
  3. The members of the Jury DO NOT evaluate:
    *Nominations submitted by the company/entity where they work.
    *Nominations submitted by a company belonging to the same group as they do.
    *Nominations submitted by a third company (e.g. client, external partner) concerning a project/programme implemented on behalf of the company/organization where they work, or in which the company/organization where they work participated.
    *Committee members must disqualify themselves from scoring any other entry with which they have or have had a material connection at any time by making a declaration to that effect on the online evaluation platform.
  4. Each nomination is assessed with three points. In particular, the judges score each evaluation criterion from 0 to 100 (excellent).
  5. The mark for each application is obtained by calculating the mark for each judge as follows: (mark for criterion A x criterion weighting) + (mark for criterion B x criterion weighting) + (mark for criterion C x criterion weighting) = judge's mark. The final score of each nomination is the average of the scores of the judges whose scores were finally counted
  6. After the evaluation period is completed and the platform is closed, the only person other than the organisers who has access to all the individual evaluations, the comments of the judges and the scores for each nomination is the President of the Jury, for the purpose of validating the results and the process.
  7. The Jury's scores will result in potential Gold, Silver and Bronze awards in each category, provided that the nominations have achieved the minimum required score. Platinum awards are only given to entries that have earned a score equal to and/or greater than 90.


  • Methodology and how the project/initiative is implemented and exploited 30% weighting rate
  • Benefits for the company / organisation and its partners / associates (e.g. customers, citizens, etc.) -50% weighting rate
  • Innovation and originality of the project/technology/service, relevance to the industry - 20% weighting rate



In order to be considered valid, a nomination must be submitted by


  • Visit the awards website www.techawards.cycomplete and submit the online application form.
  • The participation fee must be paid by deposit to the bank accounts that we will indicate to you and send the proof of deposit, with reference to the name of the company, to the e-mail elenah@boussias.cylease note that the amount paid by the participating company for the validity of the application is non-refundable.


1. Entry/Nomination Title
Fill in the nomination/program title in block capitals as you wish it to be announced in the award.
Tip: We recommend that you do not write long titles. If you have multiple entries for the same project/initiative, please adapt the title and text according to the category description.

2. Participating company/organisation
Fill in the name of the participating company/organisation as you wish to be notified. Each company that will be registered, in case of distinction, will be rewarded with the corresponding points to determine the top companies of the year. In case of co-nomination by 2 or more IT companies, the points are divided by the number of participating IT companies.
NOTE: There may be more than one participant per nomination.

3. Information Technology Company
Each company that will be registered, in case of distinction, will be rewarded with the corresponding points to determine the top companies of the year. In case of co-nomination by 2 or more IT companies, the points are divided by the number of participating IT companies.

4. Application Essay (up to 1000 words)
When presenting your application, it is important to take into account the evaluation criteria.
Describe the project/activity/initiative you are submitting, providing as much quantitative and qualitative information as possible and indicating the innovation, benefits and/or results, according to the category involved and taking into account the evaluation criteria. Finally, state why you think it should be awarded in this category. Use plain text. A link (https://www.techawards.cy) can be included in your text.
Tip: The quality and correct presentation of your text plays a very important role in the evaluation.

5. Is there any confidential information in the above description?
Please let us know if there is any confidential information in your nomination description that you do not wish to be made public. It is clarified that if there are confidential data, the Organising Company will not make them public, but will disclose them to those involved in the organisation and evaluation of the applications (including, but not limited to, the Jury, which will evaluate but not disclose any confidential data). The Organising Company is not responsible for any information in the nomination that has been made public and that was not classified as confidential at the time of submission of the nomination by the participating company/team, which is solely responsible.

6. Media-Ready Synopsis (up to 200 words)
Please prepare a summary of your nomination, which will be published, in case you are awarded, indicatively on the awards' website, on Boussias Cyprus' social media and media, in press releases in print and electronic media of third parties, etc. Write a succinct description of your candidature. Include the main supporting reasons, benefits and conclusions of your candidature and avoid texts of a commercial - promotional nature. The Organising Company reserves the right not to publish texts if they are not sent with the nomination or do not meet the above criteria.

7. Links (optional)
Add one or more active links of your nomination.

8. Gallery (optional – 5 files – png, jpg or gif, up to 5 ΜΒ per file)
Please add visual material if you think it will facilitate the work of the Jury and contribute to a better understanding and evaluation of the application. We recommend that you do not submit more than 5 files.

9. Graphs (optional – 5 files – png, jpg or gif, up to 5 ΜΒ per file)
Include graphs (in pdf format) if you think they will facilitate the work of the Jury and contribute to a better understanding and evaluation of the application. We recommend that you do not submit more than 5 files.

10. Case Study Video Link (optional – YouΤube, Vimeo, Wistia, Loom ή Facebook Video)
Add a link to the video of your nomination.


Application fee: € 300 + 19% VAT.

 3 entries and over: € 250 per entry + 19% VAT.
 6 entries and over: € 210 per entry + 19% VAT.
10 entries and over: € 195 per entry + 19% VAT.

NOTE: Each participating company is entitled to two free invitations to the Awards ceremony.
Free invitations are valid per company regardless of the number of entries.