The Cyprus Technology Awards come to reward and highlight businesses that have excelled in serving customers and citizens by applying technology in innovative ways. Submit your entries and join the Business Technology community - the pioneering organisations that are changing the face of their industries and Cypriot business through technology.
This prize is awarded to the technology end-user companies (regardless of industry) that accumulate the most points, as determined by the total number of points earned. This prize is awarded to the IT companies that accumulate the most points, as determined by the total number of points earned.
Recognition / Reliability Visibility / Publicity Contribution to Sales Reward / Incentive in Groups
Winners receive: a. The logo of this year's awards with the specific award in its category. It can be used in all publicity campaigns, on the web site, social media, email signatures, on product packaging, brochures and anywhere else it is deemed to give the publicity required. b. A trophy for each prize. c. Branded Custom Videos to leverage the distinction on their own social media. d. Listing of all awards on the final winners' table on the event's web site. e. Publicity through Press Releases, sent to communication sponsors and institutions, with reference to the final list of winners. f. Display on BOUSSIAS Cyprus' social media with posts referring to the final winners' table. g. Representatives of the top awards are entitled to participate by making a statement in the awards video.
To download the file with the categories and the terms of participation of the awards, please fill in the form with your name, phone number and email, so that a BOUSSIAS representative can contact you and inform you further about the award categories and answer any clarification or information you may need.
The advanced and at the same time easy-to-use application of technology is more than ever necessary for the proper functioning of any sector of the economy.
Digitalized Company of the Year
ICT Company of the Year
An award means that your nomination has been positively evaluated by the experts who make up the Commission, thus gaining recognition and credibility.
A distinction is a tool and offers multiple opportunities for wider publicity throughout the year.
Awards enhance potential customers' perception of the quality of the services offered and contribute positively to sales.
An award is recognition of the teams' efforts and boosts employee morale.Winners’ Kit
The evaluation will be carried out by a prestigious jury, representatives of industry stakeholders, experienced and renowned market executives, academics and experts. The members of the Jury are selected on the basis of their professional and scientific background, as well as their experience and expertise in relation to the subject matter of the awards and the individual award categories.
Νικόλας Μεσαρίτης
Stella Tsitoula
Πρόεδρος Ελληνικού Ινστιτούτου Κυβερνοασφάλειας,
Vice president Women4Cyber GreeceSavvas A. Hadjichristophe
Neapolis University PafosDOWNLOAD OUR GUIDE
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